Contributing to rst2html5

Contributions are welcome! So don’t be afraid to contribute with anything that you think will be helpful. Help with maintaining the English documentation is particularly appreciated.

The rst2html5 project is hosted on Heptapod by Octobus and Clever Cloud!

How to contribute

Please, follow the procedure:

  1. Check for the open issues or open a new issue on the Heptapod issue tracker to start a discussion about a feature or a bug.
  2. Fork the rst2html5 project and start making your modifications.
  3. Send a merge request.

Installing OS Packages

You will need:

  1. Poetry. A tool for installing and managing Python packages.
  2. Mercurial. Version control used by rst2html5 project.


Also, it is possible to contribute with Git using rst2html5’s GitHub mirror.

Project Setup

$ hg clone
$ cd rst2html5
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell

Now you are ready!

Running the test suite

To run the tests, just type the following on a terminal:

$ make test


Before executing that command, the virtual environment must be activated, or simply use poetry run make test instead.

Development Tasks

Makefile contains several development tasks, all grouped in one place:

Task Name Description
test Lint and then test the code
lint Run the various linters
format Format the code according to the linters
docs Create the project documentation using Sphinx

To run a task, execute:

$ poetry run make <task>


If the virtual environment is already activated, prefixing the command with poetry run is not necessary.

pre-commit and pre-push Hooks

It is important that you run make lint and make test before committing and pushing code. To guarantee that, I suggest that you use version control hooks for pre-commit and pre-push events.

Mercurial Hooks

For Mercurial, add this section in .hg/hgrc:

precommit.lint = (cd `hg root`; poetry run make lint)
pre-push.test = (cd `hg root`; poetry run make test)


Execute hg help config to get more information about Mercurial configuration. There is a section about hooks there.

Also, visit this link about Mercurial Hooks.

Git Hooks

Git hooks are based on files. So, you need two of them: .git/hooks/pre-commit and .git/hooks/pre-push.



cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
poetry run make lint



cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
poetry run make test


Both .git/hooks/pre-commit and .git/hooks/pre-push must be executable scripts. Use chmod +x on them.


Contributing to documentation is as simple as editing the specified file in the docs directory. We use restructuredtext markup and Sphinx for building the documentation.

Reporting an issue

Proposals, enhancements, bugs or tasks should be directly reported on Heptapod issue tracker.

If there are issues please let us know so we can improve rst2html5. If you don’t report it, we probably won’t fix it. When creating a bug issue, try to provide the following information at least:

  1. Steps to reproduce the bug
  2. The resulting output
  3. The expected output

For proposals or enhancements, you should provide input and output examples. Whenever possible, you should also provide external references to articles or documentation that endorses your request.

While it’s handy to provide useful code snippets in an issue, it is better for you as a developer to submit merge requests. By submitting a merge request, your contribution to rst2html5 will be recorded by Heptapod.

Contacting the author

rst2html5 is written and maintained by André Felipe Dias. You can reach me at Twitter or by email (