Source code for rst2html5_

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
import sys
import docutils
from collections import OrderedDict
from docutils import nodes, writers
from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
from docutils.transforms import Transform
from genshi.builder import tag
from genshi.core import Markup
from genshi.output import XHTMLSerializer
from modules import register_directives


__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
__version__ = '1.10.5'

# monkeypatch OptionParser to set 'version'
OptionParser.version_template = '%%prog %s (Docutils %s%s, Python %s, on %s)' % (
    __version__, docutils.__version__,
    docutils.__version_details__ and ' [%s]' % docutils.__version_details__ or '',
    sys.version.split()[0], sys.platform

    # docutils >= 0.10
    from docutils.utils.math import pick_math_environment
except ImportError:
    from docutils.math import pick_math_environment

if sys.version[0] == '3':
    unicode = str

[docs]class FooterToBottom(Transform): ''' The doctree must be adjusted before translation begins since in-place tree modifications doesn't work. The footer must be relocated to the bottom of the doctree in order to be translated at the right position. .. seealso:: * ''' default_priority = 850
[docs] def apply(self): for child in self.document.children: if isinstance(child, nodes.decoration): for footer in child: if isinstance(footer, nodes.footer): child.remove(footer) self.document.append(footer) break
[docs]class WrapTopTitle(Transform): r''' If the top element of a document is a title, wrap all the document's children within a section. For example: .. code:: rst .. _outer_target: .. _inner_target: Title 1 ======= The targets outer_target_ and inner_target_ point both to Title 1 The previous snippet should be transformed from: .. code:: xml <document ids="title-1 inner-target outer-target" \ names="title\ 1 inner_target outer_target" source="internal_link_2.rst" \ title="Title 1"> <title> Title 1 <target refid="outer-target"> <target refid="inner-target"> <paragraph> The targets <reference name="outer_target" refid="outer-target"> outer_target and <reference name="inner_target" refid="inner-target"> inner_target point both to Title 1 into: .. code:: xml <document source="internal_link_2.rst"> <section ids="title-1 inner-target outer-target" names="title\ 1 inner_target outer_target"> <title> Title 1 <paragraph> The targets <reference name="outer_target" refid="outer-target"> outer_target and <reference name="inner_target" refid="inner-target"> inner_target point both to Title 1 ''' default_priority = 850
[docs] def apply(self): if 'title' not in self.document: return section = nodes.section() section['ids'] = self.document['ids'] section['names'] = self.document['names'] del self.document['ids'] del self.document['names'] for child in self.document.children: if not(isinstance(child, and child.get('refid') in section['ids']): section.children.append(child) self.document.children = [section] return
def _script_callback_option_parser(option, opt_str, value, parser): ''' Store a script's URL or path along to its attribute 'defer', 'async' or None ''' attr = 'defer' in opt_str and 'defer' or \ 'async' in opt_str and 'async' or \ None parser.values.script = parser.values.script or [] parser.values.script.append((value, attr)) return
[docs]class HTML5Writer(writers.Writer): supported = ('html', 'html5', 'html5css3') config_section = 'html5writer' config_section_dependencies = ('writers') # OptParse see settings_spec = ( 'rst2html5 Specific Options', 'For the rst2html5 writer the default tab width value is 4.', ( ("Don't indent output", ['--no-indent'], {'default': 1, 'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'indent_output'}), ('Specify a stylesheet URL to be included in the output HTML file. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--stylesheet'], {'metavar': '<URL or path>', 'default': None, 'action': 'append', }), ('Specify a stylesheet file whose contents will be included into the output HTML file. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--stylesheet-inline'], {'metavar': '<path>', 'default': None, 'action': 'append', }), ('Specify a script URL to be included in the output HTML file. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--script'], {'metavar': '<URL or path>', 'default': None, 'dest': 'script', 'type': 'string', 'action': 'callback', 'callback': _script_callback_option_parser, }), ('Specify a script URL with a defer attribute ' 'to be included in the output HTML file. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--script-defer'], {'metavar': '<URL or path>', 'dest': 'script', 'type': 'string', 'action': 'callback', 'callback': _script_callback_option_parser, }), ('Specify a script URL with a async attribute ' 'to be included in the output HTML file. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--script-async'], {'metavar': '<URL or path>', 'dest': 'script', 'type': 'string', 'action': 'callback', 'callback': _script_callback_option_parser, }), ('Specify a html tag attribute. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--html-tag-attr'], {'metavar': '<attribute>', 'default': None, 'dest': 'html_tag_attr', 'action': 'append', }), ('Specify a filename or text to be used as the HTML5 output template. ' 'The template must have the {head} and {body} placeholders. ' 'The "<html{html_attr}>" placeholder is recommended.', ['--template'], {'metavar': '<filename or text>', 'default': None, 'dest': 'template', 'type': 'string', 'action': 'store', }), ('Define a case insensitive identifier to be used with ifdef and ifndef directives. ' 'There is no value associated with an identifier. ' '(This option can be used multiple times)', ['--define'], {'metavar': '<identifier>', 'dest': 'identifiers', 'default': None, 'action': 'append', }), ) ) settings_defaults = { 'tab_width': 4, 'syntax_highlight': 'short', 'field_limit': 0, 'option_limit': 0, } def __init__(self): writers.Writer.__init__(self) self.translator_class = HTML5Translator return
[docs] def translate(self):['pseudoxml'] = self.document.pformat() # get pseudoxml before HTML5.translate self.document.reporter.debug('%s pseudoxml:\n %s' % (self.__class__.__name__,['pseudoxml'])) visitor = self.translator_class(self.document) self.document.walkabout(visitor) self.output = visitor.output self.head = visitor.head self.body = visitor.body self.title = visitor.title self.docinfo = visitor.docinfo return
[docs] def assemble_parts(self): writers.Writer.assemble_parts(self)['head'] = self.head['body'] = self.body['title'] = self.title['docinfo'] = self.docinfo return
[docs] def get_transforms(self): return writers.Writer.get_transforms(self) + [FooterToBottom, WrapTopTitle]
[docs]class ElemStack(object): ''' Helper class to handle nested contexts and indentation ''' def __init__(self, settings): self.stack = [] self.indent_level = 0 self.indent_output = settings.indent_output self.indent_width = settings.tab_width def _indent_elem(self, element, indent): result = [] # Indentation schema: # # current position # | # v # <tag>| # | indent |<elem> # |indent-1|</tag> # ^ # ends here if self.indent_output and indent: indentation = '\n' + self.indent_width * self.indent_level * ' ' result.append(indentation) result.append(element) if self.indent_output and indent: indentation = '\n' + self.indent_width * (self.indent_level - 1) * ' ' result.append(indentation) return result
[docs] def append(self, element, indent=True): ''' Append to current element ''' self.stack[-1].append(self._indent_elem(element, indent)) return
[docs] def begin_elem(self): ''' Start a new element context ''' self.stack.append([]) self.indent_level += 1 return
[docs] def commit_elem(self, elem, indent=True): ''' A new element is create by removing its stack to make a tag. This tag is pushed back into its parent's stack. ''' pop = self.stack.pop() elem(*pop) self.indent_level -= 1 self.append(elem, indent) return
def pop(self): return self.pop_elements(1)[0] def pop_elements(self, num_elements): assert num_elements > 0 parent_stack = self.stack[-1] result = [] for x in range(num_elements): pop = parent_stack.pop() elem = pop[0 if len(pop) == 1 else self.indent_output] result.append(elem) result.reverse() return result
dv = 'default_visit' dp = 'default_departure' pass_ = 'no_op'
[docs]class HTML5Translator(nodes.NodeVisitor): rst_terms = { # 'term': ('tag', 'visit_func', 'depart_func', use_term_in_class, # indent_elem) # use_term_in_class and indent_elem are optionals. # If not given, the default is False, True 'Text': (None, 'visit_Text', None), 'abbreviation': ('abbr', dv, dp), 'acronym': (None, dv, dp), 'address': (None, 'visit_address', None), 'admonition': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'attention': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'attribution': ('p', dv, dp, True), 'author': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'authors': (None, 'visit_authors', None), 'block_quote': ('blockquote', 'visit_blockquote', dp), 'bullet_list': ('ul', dv, dp, False), 'caption': ('figcaption', dv, dp, False), 'caution': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'citation': (None, 'visit_citation', 'depart_citation', True), 'citation_reference': ('a', 'visit_citation_reference', 'depart_reference', True, False), 'classifier': (None, 'visit_classifier', None), 'colspec': (None, pass_, 'depart_colspec'), 'comment': (None, 'visit_comment', None), 'compound': ('div', dv, dp), 'contact': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'container': ('div', dv, dp), 'copyright': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'danger': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'date': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'decoration': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'definition': ('dd', dv, dp), 'definition_list': ('dl', dv, dp), 'definition_list_item': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'description': ('td', dv, dp), 'docinfo': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'doctest_block': ('pre', 'visit_literal_block', 'depart_literal_block', True), 'document': (None, 'visit_document', 'depart_document'), 'emphasis': ('em', dv, dp, False, False), 'entry': (None, dv, 'depart_entry'), 'enumerated_list': ('ol', dv, 'depart_enumerated_list'), 'error': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'field': (None, 'visit_field', None), 'field_body': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'field_list': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'field_name': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'figure': (None, 'visit_figure', dp), 'footer': (None, dv, dp), 'footnote': (None, 'visit_citation', 'depart_citation', True), 'footnote_reference': ('a', 'visit_citation_reference', 'depart_reference', True, False), 'generated': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'header': (None, dv, dp), 'hint': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'image': ('img', dv, dp), 'important': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'inline': ('span', dv, dp, False, False), 'label': ('th', 'visit_reference', 'depart_label'), 'legend': ('div', dv, dp, True), 'line': (None, 'visit_line', None), 'line_block': ('pre', 'visit_line_block', 'depart_line_block', True), 'list_item': ('li', dv, dp), 'literal': ('code', 'visit_literal', 'depart_literal', False, False), 'literal_block': ('pre', 'visit_literal_block', 'depart_literal_block'), 'math': (None, 'visit_math_block', None), 'math_block': (None, 'visit_math_block', None), 'meta': (None, 'visit_meta', None), 'note': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'option': ('kbd', 'visit_option', dp, False, False), 'option_argument': ('var', 'visit_option_argument', dp, False, False), 'option_group': ('td', 'visit_option_group', 'depart_option_group'), 'option_list': (None, 'visit_option_list', 'depart_option_list', True), 'option_list_item': ('tr', dv, dp), 'option_string': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'organization': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'paragraph': ('p', 'visit_paragraph', dp), 'pending': (None, dv, dp), 'problematic': ('a', 'visit_problematic', 'depart_reference', True, False), 'raw': (None, 'visit_raw', None), 'reference': ('a', 'visit_reference', 'depart_reference', False, False), 'revision': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'row': ('tr', 'visit_row', 'depart_row'), 'rubric': ('p', dv, 'depart_rubric', True), 'section': ('section', 'visit_section', 'depart_section'), 'sidebar': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'status': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'strong': (None, dv, dp, False, False), 'subscript': ('sub', dv, dp, False, False), 'substitution_definition': (None, 'skip_node', None), 'substitution_reference': (None, 'skip_node', None), 'subtitle': (None, 'visit_target', 'depart_subtitle'), 'superscript': ('sup', dv, dp, False, False), 'system_message': ('div', 'visit_system_message', dp), 'table': (None, 'visit_table', 'depart_table'), 'target': ('a', 'visit_target', 'depart_reference', False, False), 'tbody': (None, dv, dp), 'term': ('dt', dv, dp), 'tgroup': (None, 'do_nothing', None), 'thead': (None, 'visit_thead', 'depart_thead'), 'tip': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'title': (None, dv, 'depart_title'), 'title_reference': ('cite', dv, dp, False, False), 'topic': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), 'transition': ('hr', dv, dp), 'version': (None, 'visit_bibliographic_field', None), 'warning': ('aside', 'visit_aside', 'depart_aside', True), } default_template = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html{html_attr}>\n' \ '<head>{head}</head>\n<body>{body}</body>\n</html>' def _map_terms_to_functions(self): ''' Map terms to visit and departure functions ''' for term, spec in self.rst_terms.items(): visit_func = spec[1] and getattr(self, spec[1], self.unknown_visit) depart_func = spec[2] and getattr(self, spec[2], self.unknown_departure) if visit_func: setattr(self, 'visit_' + term, visit_func) if depart_func: setattr(self, 'depart_' + term, depart_func) return def __init__(self, document): nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) self.heading_level = int(getattr(self.document.settings, 'initial_header_level', 0)) if self.heading_level > 0: self.heading_level -= 1 self.context = ElemStack(document.settings) self.docinfo = OrderedDict() self._parse_params() self._map_terms_to_functions() return def _parse_params(self): self.metatags = [tag.meta(charset=self.document.settings.output_encoding)] self.stylesheets = [] stylesheets = self.document.settings.stylesheet or [] for href in stylesheets: self.stylesheets.append('stylesheet', href=href)) stylesheets_inline = [] for path in (self.document.settings.stylesheet_inline or []): with open(path) as f: stylesheets_inline.append( if stylesheets_inline: self.stylesheets.append(''.join(stylesheets_inline)))) self.scripts = [] scripts = self.document.settings.script or [] for src, attributes in scripts: script = tag.script(src=src) if attributes: script = script(**{attributes: attributes}) self.scripts.append(script) return def indent_head(self): if self.document.settings.indent_output: indent = '\n' + ' ' * self.document.settings.tab_width result = [] for f in self.head: result.append(tag(indent, f)) result.append('\n') self.head = result return def _get_template(self): template = self.document.settings.template if not template: return self.default_template import os if os.path.isfile(template): from io import open with open(template, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as template_file: return else: return template def _get_template_values(self): html_attrs = self.document.settings.html_tag_attr html_attrs = html_attrs and ' ' + ' '.join(html_attrs) or '' self.head = self.metatags + self.stylesheets + self.scripts for key, value in self.docinfo.items(): self.head.append(tag.meta(content=value, name=key)) self.indent_head() self.head = ''.join(XHTMLSerializer()(tag(*self.head))) self.body = ''.join(XHTMLSerializer()(tag(*self.context.stack))) values = {} values['html_attr'] = html_attrs values['head'] = self.head values['body'] = self.body return values @property def output(self): template = self._get_template() values = self._get_template_values() return template.format(**values)
[docs] def parse(self, node): ''' Get tag name, indentantion and correct attributes of a node according to its class ''' node_class_name = node.__class__.__name__ spec = self.rst_terms[node_class_name] tag_name = spec[0] or node_class_name use_name_in_class = len(spec) > 3 and spec[3] indent = spec[4] if len(spec) > 4 else True if use_name_in_class: node['classes'].insert(0, node_class_name) replacements = { 'refuri': 'href', 'uri': 'src', 'refid': 'href', 'morerows': 'rowspan', 'morecols': 'colspan', 'classes': 'class', 'ids': 'id', } ignores = ( 'names', 'dupnames', 'bullet', 'enumtype', 'colwidth', 'stub', 'backrefs', 'auto', 'anonymous', ) attributes = {} for k, v in node.attributes.items(): if k in ignores or not v: continue if k in replacements: k = replacements[k] if isinstance(v, list): v = ' '.join(v) attributes[k] = v return tag_name, indent, attributes
[docs] def once_attr(self, name, default=None): ''' The attribute is used once and then it is deleted ''' if hasattr(self, name): result = getattr(self, name) delattr(self, name) return result else: return default
[docs] def default_visit(self, node): ''' Initiate a new context to store inner HTML5 elements. ''' if 'ids' in node and self.once_attr('expand_id_to_anchor', default=True): # create an anchor <a id=id></a> on top of the current element # for each id found. for id in node['ids'][1:]: self.context.begin_elem() self.context.commit_elem(tag.a(id=id)) node.attributes['ids'] = node.attributes['ids'][0:1] self.context.begin_elem() return
[docs] def default_departure(self, node): ''' Create the node's corresponding HTML5 element and combine it with its stored context. ''' tag_name, indent, attributes = self.parse(node) elem = getattr(tag, tag_name)(**attributes) self.context.commit_elem(elem, indent) return
def _compacted_paragraph(self, node): """ Determine if the <p> tags around paragraph ``node`` can be omitted. Based on :func:`docutils.writers.html4css1.HTMLTranslator.should_be_compact_paragraph` """ # extra parenthesis for pep8 alignment conformity if ((isinstance(node.parent, (nodes.document, nodes.compound, nodes.block_quote, nodes.system_message, )) or node['classes'] or 'paragraph' != node.__class__.__name__)): return False first = isinstance(node.parent[0], nodes.label) # skip label for child in node.parent.children[first:]: # only first paragraph can be compact if isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible): continue if child is node: break return False if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.list_item): # first child of a list_item return True parent_length = len([n for n in node.parent if not isinstance( n, (nodes.Invisible, nodes.label))]) return parent_length == 1 def visit_paragraph(self, node): if self._compacted_paragraph(node): raise nodes.SkipDeparture self.default_visit(node) def _strip_spaces(self, text): return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text) def visit_Text(self, node): text = node.astext() if not getattr(self, 'preserve_space', None): text = self._strip_spaces(text) self.context.append(text, indent=False) raise nodes.SkipDeparture def visit_section(self, node): self.heading_level += 1 self.default_visit(node) def depart_section(self, node): self.heading_level -= 1 self.default_departure(node) def depart_title(self, node): spec, indent, attr = self.parse(node) if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.table): elem = tag.caption(**attr) else: assert self.heading_level >= 0 if self.heading_level == 0: self.heading_level = 1 if 'href' in attr: # backref to toc entry del attr['href'] elem = getattr(tag, 'h' + unicode(self.heading_level))(**attr) self.context.commit_elem(elem, indent) def depart_subtitle(self, node): # mount the subtitle heading subheading_level = getattr(tag, 'h' + unicode(self.heading_level + 1)) self.context.commit_elem(subheading_level) self.heading_level -= 1
[docs] def depart_enumerated_list(self, node): ''' Ordered list. It may have a preffix and suffix that must be handled by CSS3 and javascript to be presented as intended. .. seealso:: * `Automatic numbering with CSS Counters <>`_ * `How to add brackets to an ordered list? <>`_ ''' if 'enumtype' in node: enumtypes = { 'arabic': '1', 'loweralpha': 'a', 'upperalpha': 'A', 'lowerroman': 'i', 'upperroman': 'I' } node['type'] = enumtypes.get(node['enumtype'], '1') if node.get('suffix') == '.' and 'preffix' not in node: # default suffix doesn't need special treatment del node['suffix'] self.default_departure(node)
[docs] def skip_node(self, node): """Internal only""" raise nodes.SkipNode
def no_op(self, node): pass
[docs] def do_nothing(self, node): ''' equivalent to visit: pass and depart: pass ''' raise nodes.SkipDeparture
[docs] def visit_classifier(self, node): ''' Classifier should remain beside the previous element ''' term = self.context.pop() term(' ', tag.span(':', class_='classifier-delimiter'), ' ', tag.span(node.astext(), class_='classifier')) self.context.append(term) raise nodes.SkipNode
# # table # def visit_table(self, node): self.th_required = 0 self.in_thead = False self.default_visit(node) def depart_table(self, node): del self.th_required del self.in_thead self.default_departure(node)
[docs] def depart_colspec(self, node): ''' <col /> tags are not generated anymore because they're pretty useless since they cannot receive any attribute from a rst table. Anyway, there are better ways to apply styles to columns. See for example. Nevertheless, if a colspec node with a "stub" attribute indicates that the column should be a th tag. ''' if 'stub' in node: self.th_required += 1 return
def visit_thead(self, node): self.in_thead = True self.default_visit(node) def depart_thead(self, node): self.in_thead = False self.default_departure(node) def visit_row(self, node): self.th_available = self.th_required self.default_visit(node) def depart_row(self, node): del self.th_available self.default_departure(node) def depart_entry(self, node): if self.in_thead or self.th_available: name = 'th' self.th_available -= 1 else: name = 'td' if 'morerows' in node: node['morerows'] = node['morerows'] + 1 if 'morecols' in node: node['morecols'] = node['morecols'] + 1 waste, indent, attr = self.parse(node) self.context.commit_elem(getattr(tag, name)(**attr)) def visit_reference(self, node): if 'ids' in node: del node.attributes['ids'] self.default_visit(node) return def depart_reference(self, node): if 'name' in node: del node['name'] if 'refid' in node: node['refid'] = '#' + node['refid'] self.default_departure(node) return def visit_target(self, node): if not node.astext(): raise nodes.SkipNode self.expand_id_to_anchor = False self.default_visit(node) def visit_literal(self, node): self.preserve_space = getattr(self, 'preserve_space', 0) + 1 self.default_visit(node) return def depart_literal(self, node): self.preserve_space -= 1 if self.preserve_space == 0: del self.preserve_space if node['classes']: node['classes'] = node['classes'][-1] self.default_departure(node) return
[docs] def visit_literal_block(self, node): ''' Translates a code-block/sourcecode or a parsed-literal block. Pygments is used for highlighting by the code-block directive. See CodeBlock directive source code for more information. ''' # see case parsed_literal_as_code_block language = None if 'classes' in node and 'code' in node['classes']: for c in node['classes']: if c.startswith('language-'): language = c break if language: node['classes'].remove('code') node['classes'].remove(language) node.attributes['data-language'] = language[len('language-')::] self.preserve_space = 1 self.default_visit(node) return
def depart_literal_block(self, node): del self.preserve_space self.default_departure(node) return
[docs] def visit_math_block(self, node): ''' Only MathJax support ''' math_code = node.astext() if isinstance(node, nodes.math): template = r'\(%s\)' % math_code elem = tag.span(template) else: math_env = pick_math_environment(math_code) if 'align' in math_env: template = '\\begin{%s}\n%s\n\\end{%s}' % (math_env, math_code, math_env) else: # equation template = r'\(%s\)' % math_code elem = tag.div(template) node['classes'].insert(0, 'math') waste, waste_, attr = self.parse(node) elem(**attr) self.context.append(elem) if not getattr(self, 'already_has_math_script', None): src = "" self.scripts.append(tag.script(src=src)) self.already_has_math_script = True raise nodes.SkipNode
def visit_document(self, node): if 'title' in node: self.metatags.insert(0, tag.title(node['title'])) self.title = node['title'] else: self.title = '' self.default_visit(node) def depart_document(self, node): self.context.stack = self.context.stack[0] return def visit_raw(self, node): if 'html' in node.get('format', ''): self.context.append(Markup(node.astext()), indent=False) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_aside(self, node): self.save_heading_level = self.heading_level self.heading_level = 1 self.default_visit(node) def depart_aside(self, node): self.heading_level = self.save_heading_level del self.save_heading_level if node['classes'] and node['classes'][0].startswith('admonition-'): del node['classes'][0] self.default_departure(node) def depart_rubric(self, node): node['classes'] = [] self.default_departure(node) def visit_field(self, node): self.docinfo[node.children[0].astext()] = self._strip_spaces(node.children[1].astext()) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_bibliographic_field(self, node): self.docinfo[node.__class__.__name__] = self._strip_spaces(node.astext()) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_address(self, node): self.docinfo[node.__class__.__name__] = ', '.join(node.astext().split('\n')) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_authors(self, node): self.docinfo[node.__class__.__name__] = '; '.join(node.astext().split()) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_option_list(self, node): self.context.begin_elem() # table self.context.begin_elem() # tbody def depart_option_list(self, node): self.context.commit_elem(tag.tbody) waste, waste_, attr = self.parse(node) self.context.commit_elem(tag.table(**attr)) def visit_citation(self, node): self.visit_option_list(node) self.context.begin_elem() # tr def depart_citation(self, node): # td initiated at depart_label self.context.commit_elem( self.context.commit_elem( self.depart_option_list(node) def visit_option_group(self, node): self.option_level = 0 self.default_visit(node) def depart_option_group(self, node): if self.document.settings.option_limit and \ len(node.astext()) > self.document.settings.option_limit: node['morecols'] = 2 self.default_departure(node) self.context.commit_elem( # closes this tr self.context.begin_elem() # begins another tr self.context.append( # empty td due to colspan else: self.default_departure(node) def visit_option(self, node): if self.option_level: self.context.append(', ', indent=False) self.option_level += 1 self.default_visit(node) def visit_option_argument(self, node): if 'delimiter' in node: self.context.append(node['delimiter'], indent=False) del node.attributes['delimiter'] self.default_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_citation_reference(self, node): """ Instead of a typical visit_reference call this def is required to remove the backref id that is included but not used in rst2html5. """ self.expand_id_to_anchor = False self.default_visit(node)
def depart_label(self, node): self.default_departure(node) self.context.begin_elem() # next td def visit_line(self, node): self.line_level = getattr(self, 'line_level', -1) + 1 if self.line_level: tab_width = self.document.settings.tab_width separator = '\n' + ' ' * tab_width * (self.line_block_level - 1) self.context.append(separator, indent=False) raise nodes.SkipDeparture
[docs] def visit_line_block(self, node): ''' Line blocks use <pre>. Lines breaks and spacing are reconstructured based on line_block_level ''' self.line_block_level = getattr(self, 'line_block_level', 0) + 1 if self.line_block_level == 1: self.default_visit(node)
def depart_line_block(self, node): self.line_block_level -= 1 if self.line_block_level == 0: del self.line_block_level del self.line_level self.default_departure(node) def visit_meta(self, node): waste, waste_, attr = self.parse(node) self.metatags.append(tag.meta(**attr)) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_problematic(self, node): self.expand_id_to_anchor = False if len(node['ids']) > 1: node['ids'] = node['ids'][0] self.default_visit(node) return def visit_system_message(self, node): self.default_visit(node) self.context.begin_elem() # h1 backrefs = [tag(' ', tag.a(v, href="#" + v)) for v in node['backrefs']] node.attributes.setdefault('line', '') text = 'System Message: {type}/{level} ({source} line ' \ '{line})'.format(**node.attributes) h1 = tag.h1(text, *backrefs) self.context.commit_elem(h1) node.attributes = {'classes': [], 'ids': node.attributes['ids']} return def visit_figure(self, node): # move up the ids of child img for child in node: if isinstance(child, nodes.image) and 'ids' in child: node['ids'].extend(child['ids']) child['ids'] = [] self.default_visit(node) def visit_comment(self, node): text = node.astext() if text: self.context.begin_elem() comment = tag(Markup('<!-- '), text, Markup(' -->')) self.context.commit_elem(comment) raise nodes.SkipNode def visit_blockquote(self, node): if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.list_item): raise nodes.SkipDeparture self.default_visit(node)
def main(): from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description description = 'Generates (X)HTML5 documents from standalone ' \ 'reStructuredText sources.' + default_description publish_cmdline(writer=HTML5Writer(), description=description) if __name__ == '__main__': main()